Jason Elliott Memorial Foundation

Jason Alan Elliott was born on September 1st, 1978 to Dale and Joyce Elliott and had a little sister, Sarah. He was in a bowling center his whole life and grew to love the sport. He was known around the center as being a hugger and was always smiling! He loved people, bowling, snowmobiling and hunting! He also had a good bowling friend who committed suicide and always wondered why.

While competing in the sport he so loved he was tragically killed in an auto accident at the age of 16. The entire bowling community was saddened by his passing and the money flowed in so the family started a scholarship fund giving seniors in high school money to further their education and has awarded over $70,000 in our area!

In 2022 the JEM Foundation was formed by Weston Lanes to do even more fund raising and benefit the four initiatives that the JEM Board laid out, scholarships, hunting, snowmobiling and mental wellness! In 2022, $40,000 was awarded to local groups to use it to accomplish the goals of JEM.

JEM consist of a calendar gun raffle, 3 yearly bowling events- Easter 9 Pin, Jay Jam-A-Thon and DWL Golf & Bowl. In 2023 the JEM is hosting the 1st annual Midwest Bowl Fest. This event is a takeoff of a long running Shawn Yonan event in Sheboygan, WI which has since stopped running.

In addition to the JEM Foundation the Board has also adopted the SAVE ONE platform! Our goal is to help our region with teen mental wellness and suicide prevention! The Elliott Family, Weston Lanes, and the JEM Board wish to thank everyone for their continued efforts to keep the name of Jason Elliott alive.

KEEP SMILING cause that’s what Jay wanted!

The Elliott Family